onsemiMC74VHC139DR2GDecoders and Demuxes

Decoder/Demultiplexer Dual 2-to-4 16-Pin SOIC T/R

Make a design versatile and well-rounded by adding extra complexity with this MC74VHC139DR2G from ON Semiconductor. This decoder has a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C and a maximum of 125 °C. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging to allow for quick mounting and safe delivery. This inverting device has a typical operating supply voltage of 2.5|3.3|5 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 2 V, while its maximum is 5.5 V.

2,500 parts: Ships tomorrow

    Total$630.00Price for 2500

    • (2500)

      Ships tomorrow

      Ships from:
      United States of America
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      13 weeks
      • In Stock: 2,500 parts
      • Price: $0.252