3M Header image
Arrow & 3M™ USB3 Vision
Industrial Camera Cable Assembly

The 3M™ USB3 Vision Industrial Camera Cable Assemblies support high-speed imaging in professional and industrial imaging applications such as machine vision, medical imaging, life sciences, broadcast and defence.

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Molex Header image
Beyond the assembly line: The versatile potential of Autonomous Mobile Robots

From the factory floor to the surgery room, robots have the capacity for a tremendous impact in a multitude of industries. As the world becomes increasingly connected and fast-paced, the potential for robots to revolutionize the way we live and work is greater than ever.

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ITT Cannon Header image
Discovering the Versatility, Performance, and High Reliability of ITT Cannon's Trident Series

ITT Cannon’s Trident series is an extremely versatile range of connectors for multiple harsh environment industrial and transportation applications.

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onsemi Header image
Intelligent power and sensing for autonomous machines

Autonomous machines combine machine vision, robotics, motor control, and other applications to create environments with improved safety and efficiency. The addition of autonomy in any design adds additional complexity to the design process.

onsemi Logo
3M Header image
3M™ Mini Stack - Highly efficient, easy handling, less board space.

The 3M™ Mini-Stack is a simple termination connector for industrial, sensor, LED, switch, and various small device connections using proven 3M IDC technology. This connector can provide a timesaving, reliable and field-installable wiring solution, while reducing the required board footprint.

3M Logo
Arrow Header image
21st-century digital transformation and a new industrial revolution

The fourth Industrial Revolution is the most complex, inclusive, and automated revolution that the world has seen. We have reached a point where physical technology (machines, devices, sensors, and ubiquitous connectivity) and digital technology (artificial intelligence, cloud, and analytics) will converge to create a truly intelligently connected factory.

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