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Arrow medical & healthcare solutions

Arrow Electronics is a renowned global leader in the field of technology products and solutions, with a particular focus on the healthcare and medical industry. With our extensive technical expertise and a wide range of innovative offerings, we are dedicated to helping businesses accelerate their time to market and achieve success.

One of the unique capabilities that sets Arrow apart is our ability to guide clients through the creation and design process of their medical products. Our team of highly skilled application and design engineers work closely with clients to understand specific needs and challenges. By leveraging deep industry knowledge and experience, our engineers provide tailored solutions that address these challenges effectively.

Arrow Electronics takes pride in offering industry-leading products and solutions for the medical and healthcare sector. We understand the critical importance of reliability, safety, and compliance in medical device manufacturing. Our team possesses comprehensive expertise in key regulatory standards such as IEC 60601-1/2/6 (which pertains to the safety and essential performance of medical electrical equipment), IEC 62304 (software development for medical devices), 510K (pre-market notification for medical devices), ISO 13485 (quality management systems for medical devices), and ISO 14971 (risk management for medical devices).

By partnering with Arrow Electronics, clients can gain access to our vast resources and knowledge, which can greatly assist in the design and development of their medical and healthcare products. Whether it is helping to navigate complex regulatory requirements, providing technical support, or suggesting the most suitable components for a particular application, we are committed to empowering businesses and enabling them to achieve their goals in this dynamic industry.

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