Microchip Technology MIC5209-3.3YS-TR Linear Regulators

LDO Regulator Pos 3.3V 0.5A 4-Pin(3+Tab) SOT-223 T/R

Product Technical Specifications

Never worry about components seeing unstable voltages again by implementing this skt MIC5209-3.3YS-TR linear regulator manufactured by Microchip Technology. Its typical dropout voltage at current is 13.41 V. It has an overall accuracy of Copper Alloy %. This voltage regulation device's Liquid Crystal Polymer outputs can produce a current up to 35.31 A. This will operate at a minimum voltage of Solder V and a maximum voltage of Through Hole V, making it easy to control the power in your circuit. With a 15 output that has a voltage of 1 V, this is power management at its best. A line regulation of 5000 is necessary for providing a constant voltage level at your output. This voltage regulation device has a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C and a maximum of 150 °C. Its polarity is -55 to 150. The maximum dropout voltage is Gold Over Nickel V.

Symbols and Footprints

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    Total $1.51 Price for 1

    • Service Fee :   $7.00

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      • Price: $1.5080
      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75", Trail tape:160mm=6.3" Custom reels are non-refundable more information
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      • In stock: 4,340 parts
      • Price: $1.5080

    MIC5209-3.3YS-TR Microchip Technology

    $1.51 Price for 1

    Microchip TechnologyMIC5209-3.3YS-TRLinear Regulators

    LDO Regulator Pos 3.3V 0.5A 4-Pin(3+Tab) SOT-223 T/R

    Never worry about components seeing unstable voltages again by implementing this skt MIC5209-3.3YS-TR linear regulator manufactured by Microchip Technology. Its typical dropout voltage at current is 13.41 V. It has an overall accuracy of Copper Alloy %. This voltage regulation device's Liquid Crystal Polymer outputs can produce a current up to 35.31 A. This will operate at a minimum voltage of Solder V and a maximum voltage of Through Hole V, making it easy to control the power in your circuit. With a 15 output that has a voltage of 1 V, this is power management at its best. A line regulation of 5000 is necessary for providing a constant voltage level at your output. This voltage regulation device has a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C and a maximum of 150 °C. Its polarity is -55 to 150. The maximum dropout voltage is Gold Over Nickel V.

    Import TariffMay apply to this part if shipping to the United States

    4,340 parts: Ships today

      Total$1.51Price for 1

      • Service Fee  $7.00

        Ships today

        Ships from:
        United States of America
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        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        8 weeks
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        Country Of origin:
        • Price: $1.5080
        Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
      • Ships today

        Ships from:
        United States of America
        Date Code:
        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        8 weeks
        Country Of origin:
        • In Stock: 4,340 parts
        • Price: $1.5080