onsemiNCP803SN293D1T1GSupervisory Circuits

Processor Supervisor 2.93V 1 Active Low/Open Drain 3-Pin SOT-23 T/R

For additional circuit stability, add ON Semiconductor's NCP803SN293D1T1G microprocessor supervisory circuit, which can act as a backup processor in case the original fails, to your circuit. Tape and reel packaging will encase this product during shipment, in order to ensure safe delivery and enable quick mounting of components. This part has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 105 °C. This device has a minimum operating supply voltage of 1.2 V and a maximum of 5.5 V. It has a typical reset threshold voltage of 2.93 V, with a minimum of 2.89 V and a maximum of 2.96 V.

3,007 parts: Ships in 11 days

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    Total$0.16Price for 1

    • Ships in 11 days

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      • In Stock: 3,007 parts
      • Price: $0.1562