Texas InstrumentsSN74AHC1G32TDCKRQ1Compuertas

OR Gate 1-Element 2-IN CMOS 5-Pin SC-70 T/R Automotive AEC-Q100

SN74AHC1G32TDCKRQ1 logic gates, developed by Texas Instruments, are a great way to implement fundamental logical decisions. This gate has a minimum operating temperature of -40 °C and a maximum of 105 °C. Tape and reel packaging will encase the product during shipment, ensuring safe delivery and enabling quick mounting of components. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 2.5|3.3|5 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 2 V, while its maximum is 5.5 V.

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      • In Stock: 3,000 piezas
      • Price: $0.092