Panasonic4TAE220MCondensateur polymère au tantale

Cap Tant Polymer 220uF 4VDC D2E CASE 20%( 7.3 X 4.3 X 1.8mm) Inward L SMD 7343 0.025 Ohm 105°C T/R

This product is not intended for use in any driving application or any other critical functions that affect passenger safety. (e.g. Powertrain, ABS, Engine ECU, Airbag, etc.) If the intended use of TA/TV series products is for use in other automotive related applications, please contact our sales team. All requests are subject to approval.

Because of its high permittivity dielectric layer, this 4TAE220M polymer electrolyte from Panasonic is best-suited to pass low-frequency signals into various small products. It can withstand a voltage of 4 VDC. It has 2 terminals. Its leakage current is 88 μA. Its capacitance value is 220uF. This product is 7.3 mm long, 1.8 mm tall and 4.3 mm deep. This polymer electrolyte has a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C and a maximum of 105 °C.

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