onsemiMC14014BDR2GRegistres de contre cadrage

Shift Register Single 8-Bit Serial/Parallel to Parallel 16-Pin SOIC T/R

Do you want to convert between parallel and serial interfaces? If so, this MC14014BDR2G counter shift register from ON Semiconductor is for you! This counter shift register has a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C and a maximum of 125 °C. This component will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for effective mounting and safe delivery. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 3.3|5|9|12|15 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 3 V, while its maximum is 18 V.

Import TariffMay apply to this part if shipping to the United States

4 800 pièces: Prêt à être expédié dès aujourd'hui

    Total$0.15Price for 1

    • Service Fee  $7.00

      Prêt à être expédié dès aujourd'hui

      Ships from:
      États Unis
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      9 semaines
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      • Price: $0.1499
      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
    • Prêt à être expédié dès aujourd'hui

      Ships from:
      États Unis
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      9 semaines
      Country Of origin:
      • In Stock: 4 800 pièces
      • Price: $0.1499