Vishay NTHS0603N17N2003JE Thermistances

Thermistor NTC 200K Ohm 5% 2-Pin 0603 Surface Mount Solder Pad 4073K -4.5 to -4 T/R

Spécifications techniques du produit

This NTHS0603N17N2003JE thermistor from Vishay is a great way to measure temperature while taking up no space. This part has a minimum operating temperature of -40 °C and a maximum of 125 °C. It has 2 terminals. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging so that components can be mounted effectively. This product is 1.6 mm long, 1(Max) mm tall and 0.8 mm deep.

Symboles et Empreintes

545 pièces: Livraison en 11 jours

    Total $0.29 Prix pour 1 pièce(s)

    • 11 日後に発送

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      • En stock: 545 部分
      • Price: $0.2944

    NTHS0603N17N2003JE Vishay

    $0.29 Prix pour 1 pièce(s)


    Thermistor NTC 200K Ohm 5% 2-Pin 0603 Surface Mount Solder Pad 4073K -4.5 to -4 T/R

    This NTHS0603N17N2003JE thermistor from Vishay is a great way to measure temperature while taking up no space. This part has a minimum operating temperature of -40 °C and a maximum of 125 °C. It has 2 terminals. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging so that components can be mounted effectively. This product is 1.6 mm long, 1(Max) mm tall and 0.8 mm deep.

    545 pièces: Livraison en 11 jours

      Total$0.29Price for 1

      • Livraison en 11 jours

        Ships from:
        États Unis
        Date Code:
        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        0 semaines
        Country Of origin:
        • In Stock: 545 pièces
        • Price: $0.2944