Spécifications techniques du produit

This SI7006-A20-IM1 temperature and humidity sensor developed by Silicon Laboratories will record analog ambient conditions in a room. It has a digital output. This part has a resolution of 14 bit. This device has a minimum operating supply voltage of 1.9 V and a maximum of 3.6 V. This part has a temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C.

Symboles et Empreintes

787 pièces: Livraison en 2 jours

    Total $5.03 Prix pour 1 pièce(s)

    • Livraison en 2 jours

      Expédié de:
      Pays Bas
      Code de date:
      Délai de fabrication:
      12 semaines
      Pays d'origine:
      • En stock: 787 pièces
      • Price: $5.0299

    SI7006-A20-IM1 Silicon Labs

    $5.03 Prix pour 1 pièce(s)

    Silicon LabsSI7006-A20-IM1Capteurs de température et d’humidité

    Digital I2C 4% RH + Temp Sensor + Cover

    This SI7006-A20-IM1 temperature and humidity sensor developed by Silicon Laboratories will record analog ambient conditions in a room. It has a digital output. This part has a resolution of 14 bit. This device has a minimum operating supply voltage of 1.9 V and a maximum of 3.6 V. This part has a temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C.

    787 pièces: Livraison en 2 jours

      Total$5.03Price for 1

      • Livraison en 2 jours

        Ships from:
        Pays Bas
        Date Code:
        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        12 semaines
        Country Of origin:
        • In Stock: 787 pièces
        • Price: $5.0299