Silicon LabsSLWSTK6202ACartes et kits de développement de systèmes intégrés

EZR32LG330F256R63G Microcontroller Starter Kit 0.032768MHz/26MHz/48MHz CPU 32KB RAM 256KB Flash

With this starter kit SLWSTK6202A embedded system development board from Silicon Laboratories, add microprocessor-based functionality to your electronic circuit. It has a maximum clock speed of 0.032768/26/48 MHz. Its flash program memory is 256KB.

1 pièce: Livraison en 10 jours

    Total$249.01Price for 1

    • Livraison en 10 jours

      Ships from:
      États Unis
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      0 semaines
      Country Of origin:
      États Unis
      • In Stock: 1 pièce
      • Price: $249.01