STMicroelectronics VNQ810PTR-E Interruttori limite di corrente

Current Limit SW 4-IN 4-OUT to 7.5A 28-Pin SO T/R Automotive AEC-Q100

Specifiche tecniche del prodotto

Manage power passing through your transistors and gates with the use of STMicroelectronics' VNQ810PTR-E power driver. Its typical operating supply voltage is 13 V. This device has a maximum power dissipation of 6250 mW. Its maximum power dissipation is 6250 mW. This component will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for effective mounting and safe delivery. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 13 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 5.5 V, while its maximum is 36 V.

Simboli e Footprint

165 pezzi: Spedisce domani

La produzione di questo articolo è cessata

    Totale $3.55 Prezzo per 1

    • Commissione di servizio:   $7.00

      Spedisce domani

      Spedito da:
      Stati Uniti d'America
      Codice data:
      Termine consegna del produttore:
      13 settimane
      Numero minimo:
      Numero massimo:
      Paese di Origine:
      • Price: $3.550
      Guide giuntate/nastri trasportatori secondo gli standard EIA. Nastri guida: 15,75"=400 mm, Nastro trasportatore 6,3"=160 mm.Gli ordini Arrow Reel sono ordini personalizzati, e in quanto tali non possono essere annullati o restituiti. Maggiori informazioni
    • Spedisce domani

      Spedito da:
      Stati Uniti d'America
      Codice data:
      Termine consegna del produttore:
      13 settimane
      Paese di Origine:
      • In stock: 165 pezzi
      • Price: $3.550

    VNQ810PTR-E STMicroelectronics

    $3.55 Prezzo per 1

    STMicroelectronicsVNQ810PTR-EInterruttori limite di corrente

    Current Limit SW 4-IN 4-OUT to 7.5A 28-Pin SO T/R Automotive AEC-Q100

    Manage power passing through your transistors and gates with the use of STMicroelectronics' VNQ810PTR-E power driver. Its typical operating supply voltage is 13 V. This device has a maximum power dissipation of 6250 mW. Its maximum power dissipation is 6250 mW. This component will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for effective mounting and safe delivery. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 13 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 5.5 V, while its maximum is 36 V.

    165 pezzi: Spedisce domani

    This item has been discontinued

      Total$3.55Price for 1

      • Service Fee  $7.00

        Spedisce domani

        Ships from:
        Stati Uniti d'America
        Date Code:
        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        13 settimane
        Minimum Of :
        Maximum Of:
        Country Of origin:
        • Price: $3.550
        Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
      • Spedisce domani

        Ships from:
        Stati Uniti d'America
        Date Code:
        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        13 settimane
        Country Of origin:
        • In Stock: 165 pezzi
        • Price: $3.550