인기 검색어

onsemiMUN5212DW1T1GDigital BJT - Pre-Biased

Trans Digital BJT NPN 50V 0.1mA 385mW 6-Pin SC-88 T/R

In addition to offering some of the benefits of traditional BJTs, the NPN MUN5212DW1T1G digital transistor, developed by ON Semiconductor, can be used in digital signal processing circuits as well. This product's maximum continuous DC collector current is 100 mA, while its minimum DC current gain is 60@5mA@10 V. It has a maximum collector emitter saturation voltage of 0.25@0.3mA@10mA V. It has a maximum collector emitter voltage of 50 V. Its maximum power dissipation is 385 mW. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging to allow for quick mounting and safe delivery. It is made in a dual configuration. This transistor has a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C and a maximum of 150 °C.

Import TariffMay apply to this part if shipping to the United States

총 재고 수량 : 66,476 부품

Regional Inventory: 476

    Total$0.06Price for 1

    476 재고 있음: 오늘 배송

    • Service Fee  $7.00

      오늘 배송

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      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      6 주
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      • Price: $0.0646
      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
    • 오늘 배송

      Ships from:
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      6 주
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      • In Stock: 476 부품
      • Price: $0.0646
    • (3000)

      2 일 이내 배송

      Ships from:
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      10 주
      Country Of origin:
      • In Stock: 66,000 부품
      • Price: $0.0322