Analog DevicesOP470GPZOperational Amplifiers - Op Amps

Op Amp Quad Low Noise Amplifier ±18V 14-Pin PDIP N Tube

Amplify voltage signals in your electronic circuit design by implementing this general purpose amplifier OP470GPZ OP amp from Analog Devices. Its typical dual supply voltage is ±5|±9|±12|±15 V, with a minimum of ±4.5 V and maximum of ±18 V. This op amp has a temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C. This device utilizes bipolar technology. This device uses dual power supplies. It has 4 channels per chip.

1 부품 : 오늘 배송

    Total$9.47Price for 1

    • 오늘 배송

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      • Price: $9.468