Littelfuse59170-1-T-00-DSwitch Reed

Switch Reed N.O. 0.5A 140VAC 200VDC 10VA 1ms 100mOhm

Need some fast switching? Have a magnetic field? Implement this 59170-1-T-00-D reed switch manufactured from Littelfuse. This device has a maximum current rating of 0.5. This reed switch has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C. The 59170-1-T-00-D reed switch has a gull wing termination style. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging to allow for quick mounting and safe delivery. This product is 16.25 mm long. The maximum DC voltage rating is 200 VDC.

25,467 个零件: 可以在 2 天内配送

    Total$0.72Price for 1

    • 可以在 2 天内配送

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      • In Stock: 25,467
      • Price: $0.7230