Texas InstrumentsTPS22930AYZVT电源开关

Power Switch Hi Side 1-OUT 2A 59mOhm 4-Pin DSBGA T/R

Thanks to the TPS22930AYZVT power switch, developed by Texas Instruments, you can easily switch on and off with high voltages and currents. This charge controller has single output. It features 0.059 Ohm switch on resistance. This charge controller has an input voltage of 1.4 to 5.5 V. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging to allow for quick mounting and safe delivery. This charge controller has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C.

10 个零件: 可以在 3 天内配送

    Total$0.59Price for 1

    • 可以在 3 天内配送

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      • In Stock: 10
      • Price: $0.592