Implement this versatile NPN CPH6003A-TL-E GP BJT from ON Semiconductor into an electronic circuit to be used as a current or voltage-controlled switch or amplifier. This bipolar junction transistor's maximum emitter base voltage is 2 V. Its maximum power dissipation is 800 mW. This component will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for effective mounting and safe delivery. It has a maximum collector emitter voltage of 12 V and a maximum emitter base voltage of 2 V. This bipolar junction transistor has an operating temperature range of -55 °C to 150 °C.

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Quantity Increments of 3000 Minimum 3000
  • Manufacturer Lead Time:
    14 weeks
    • Price: $0.1466
    1. 3000+$0.1466
    2. 6000+$0.1451
    3. 9000+$0.1440