Especificaciones técnicas del producto

Prevent any unwanted voltage spikes in your circuit with this overvoltage protector STBP110CVDJ6F voltage monitor IC from STMicroelectronics. Its typical operating supply voltage is 5 V. This component will be shipped in tape and reel packaging to allow for effective mounting and safe delivery. It has a minimum reset threshold voltage of 3.25 V and a maximum of 5.9 V. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 5 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 3.1 V, while its maximum is 28 V. This voltage supervisor IC has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C.

Símbolos y Huellas

2,890 piezas: Se puede enviar en 10 días

Este artículo ha sido discontinuado

    Total $0.30 Precio para 1

    • Se puede enviar en 10 días

      Se envía desde:
      Estados Unidos de América
      Código de fecha:
      Plazo de entrega del fabricante:
      99 semanas
      País de origen:
      • En stock: 2,890 piezas
      • Price: $0.3023

    STBP110CVDJ6F STMicroelectronics

    $0.30 Precio para 1

    STMicroelectronicsSTBP110CVDJ6FSupervisory Circuits

    Processor Supervisor 1 8-Pin TDFN EP T/R

    Prevent any unwanted voltage spikes in your circuit with this overvoltage protector STBP110CVDJ6F voltage monitor IC from STMicroelectronics. Its typical operating supply voltage is 5 V. This component will be shipped in tape and reel packaging to allow for effective mounting and safe delivery. It has a minimum reset threshold voltage of 3.25 V and a maximum of 5.9 V. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 5 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 3.1 V, while its maximum is 28 V. This voltage supervisor IC has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C.

    2,890 piezas: Se puede enviar en 10 días

    This item has been discontinued

      Total$0.30Price for 1

      • Se puede enviar en 10 días

        Ships from:
        Estados Unidos de América
        Date Code:
        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        99 semanas
        Country Of origin:
        • In Stock: 2,890 piezas
        • Price: $0.3023