Lattice SemiconductorISPPAC-POWR1220AT8-01TN100IMoniteurs et contrôleurs d'alimentation

Monitor 2.8V to 3.96V 100-Pin TQFP

This power supply sequencer and monitor ISPPACPOWR1220AT801TN100I voltage monitor IC from Lattice Semiconductor protects your sensitive components from hazardous conditions. Its typical operating supply voltage is 3.3 V. It has a typical reset threshold voltage of Adj V, with a minimum of Adj V and a maximum of Adj V. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 3.3 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 2.8 V, while its maximum is 3.96 V. This voltage supervisor IC has a minimum operating temperature of -40 °C and a maximum of 85 °C.

Total en stock: 11 287 pièces

Regional Inventory: 9 157

    Total$17.52Price for 1

    9 157 en stock: Prêt à être expédié le lendemain

    • Prêt à être expédié le lendemain

      Ships from:
      États Unis
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      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      20 semaines
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      • In Stock: 9 157 pièces
      • Price: $17.52
    • Livraison en 3 jours

      Ships from:
      Pays Bas
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      20 semaines
      Country Of origin:
      • In Stock: 2 130 pièces
      • Price: $18.80