STMicroelectronicsL6226PDTRContrôle de mouvement du moteur

Dual Full Bridge Motor Driver 48V 36-Pin PowerSO T/R

Thanks to STMicroelectronics' L6226PDTR stepper motor driver, you can ensure that your pumps and actuators are operating at their optimal setting. Its typical operating supply voltage is 48 V. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging so that components can be mounted effectively. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 48 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 8 V, while its maximum is 52 V. This motor controller has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 150 °C.

12 000 pièces: Prêt à être expédié dès aujourd'hui

    Total$2,416.80Price for 600

    • (600)

      Prêt à être expédié dès aujourd'hui

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      États Unis
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      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      30 semaines
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      • In Stock: 12 000 pièces
      • Price: $4.028