STMicroelectronicsSTEVAL-ISA079V2Cartes et kits de développement de gestion de la puissance

L6928 DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator Chip 0.6VDC Output Demonstration Board

This STEVAL-ISA079V2 by STMicroelectronics power management development kit helps you control the power levels of your electronic circuits. Its output produces a current of 800 mA. This part has single output. This part is 95 % efficient. It has a switching frequency of 1400 KHz.

20 pièces: Livraison en 10 jours

    Total$28.26Price for 1

    • Livraison en 10 jours

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      États Unis
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      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      99 semaines
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      • In Stock: 20 pièces
      • Price: $28.26