Spécifications techniques du produit

Do you need to supervise the current flow into your batteries? Then this battery charger TSM1014IDT charge controller from STMicroelectronics is perfect for you! Its output produces a current of 10 mA. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for quick mounting and safe delivery. This battery gauge has an operating temperature range of 0 °C to 105 °C. This device has a minimum operating supply voltage of 4.5 V and a maximum of 28 V.

Symboles et Empreintes

9 pièces: Livraison en 10 jours

    Total $0.32 Prix pour 1 pièce(s)

    • Livraison en 10 jours

      Expédié de:
      États Unis
      Code de date:
      Délai de fabrication:
      0 semaines
      Pays d'origine:
      • En stock: 9 pièces
      • Price: $0.3227

    TSM1014IDT STMicroelectronics

    $0.32 Prix pour 1 pièce(s)

    STMicroelectronicsTSM1014IDTGestion de batterie

    Battery Charger Controller 8-Pin SO N T/R

    Do you need to supervise the current flow into your batteries? Then this battery charger TSM1014IDT charge controller from STMicroelectronics is perfect for you! Its output produces a current of 10 mA. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for quick mounting and safe delivery. This battery gauge has an operating temperature range of 0 °C to 105 °C. This device has a minimum operating supply voltage of 4.5 V and a maximum of 28 V.

    9 pièces: Livraison en 10 jours

      Total$0.32Price for 1

      • Livraison en 10 jours

        Ships from:
        États Unis
        Date Code:
        Manufacturer Lead Time:
        0 semaines
        Country Of origin:
        • In Stock: 9 pièces
        • Price: $0.3227