Adafruit IndustriesTalking Toys Sounds Pack | 1759組み込みシステム開発ボードおよびキット
ATTINY85 Microcontroller Development Kit 8MHz CPU 512B RAM 512B/8KB EEPROM/Flash
Turn your favorite stuffed animal into a talking toy with this DIY kit.
Give your child’s stuffed animals a voice with Adafruit’s Talking Toy Sounds Pack! The pack is a fun, educational way to incorporate electronics into your child’s favorite toy using Adafruit’s GEMMA board and a tilt ball switch to play animal sounds like chirping through a mini speaker. The kit includes the GEMMA, switch and speaker, as well as a battery, charger, resistor, transistor and all the wiring and heat shrink tubing you could need. To really get your child into the fun of electronics, the kit is unassembled, but only requires simple soldering to put together (tools and stuffed animal not included). Here is exactly what does come in the kit though: 1x Adafruit Gemma V2, 1x 3.7v 150mAh LiPoly Battery, 1x Tilt Ball Switch, 1x Adafruit Micro Lipo - USB LiIon/LiPoly charger - v1, 1x PN2222 Transistor (for more information on the PN2222, check out our 10-pack), 1x Small Speaker, 1x 220-ohm Resistor, 24" length of solid-core wire, Three pieces of different sized heat shrink (1/4", 1/8", and 1/16" in diameter). What this means is that you will have everything that you need to effectively "hack" you child's favorite stuffed plushie toy! Please note, you will also need a handy dandy MicroB USB cable, which you likely already have. Some soldering is required for this kit, so make sure you have the proper equipment for that. If you don't, check out part number WESD51 and a spool of solder Part number 145
Compliant | |
EAR99 | |
Active | |
8473.30.11.80 | |
Automotive | No |
PPAP | No |
Development Kit | |
ATtiny85 | |
Microcontroller | |
512B | |
512B/8KB | |
EEPROM/Flash | |
1 | |
1 | |
3 | |
No | |
No | |
EEPROM/Flash | |
No |