Announcing the New Robotics Center of Excellence

The Robotics Center of Excellence (COE) has been established to help customers accelerate time to market for the development of cutting-edge automation solutions for use in manufacturing, digital factories, and other industries. is an authorized distributor of Analog Devices products, including high performance analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal processing (DSP) integrated circuits (ICs). ADI is a global leader of innovative data conversion and signal conditioning integrated circuits (IC) products. These IC products enable the sensing, measurement and interpretation of real-world phenomena such as light, sound, temperature, motion, and pressure into electrical signals. Since ADI's inception in 1965, they have focused on solving the engineering challenges associated with signal processing in electronic equipment. Serving over 100,000 customers worldwide, Analog Devices' products and solutions benefit virtually all types of electronic equipment for industrial, medical, communications, consumer, automotive and other applications.

ADI enables customers to interpret the world around us by intelligently bridging the physical and digital with unmatched technologies that sense, measure and connect, enabling engineers to create breakthrough solutions that are ahead of what’s possible.

ADI acquired Linear Technology (LTC) and their diverse portfolio of power management solutions, data conversion and signal processing components, and world class RF, wireless and interface IC solutions.

ADI acquired Hittite Microwave products and expanded with their broad portfolio of IC components, modules and instruments for microwave and millimeter wave applications.

Analog Devices 製品カテゴリ すべての製品を見る


Analog Devices データシート すべて表示

Analog Devices データシート すべて表示
部品番号 View/Download タイプ
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  • RH108AW-B6-ES
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オペアンプ - オペアンプ
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  • ADAU1321-00XCDF1K1
  • ADAU1321-01XCDZ-FF
データシートを見る 製品を見る 様々な
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  • ADZS-21161N-EZLITE
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  • EVAL-21262-EZEXT
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DatasheetForXProducts: ビュー
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DatasheetForXProducts: ビュー
  • DS9120+
  • DS9120P+
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  • MAX32620IWG+W
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マイクロコントローラ - MCU
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  • DS1921H-F50+
  • DS1921Z-F5#A1D
  • DS1921Z+F50
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  • DS33X42DK
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  • 73S1217F-EB-LITE
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  • DS33M30DK
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DatasheetForXProducts: ビュー
  • 73S1210F-EB
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