Optimizing drive-cycle simulations for automotive applications
Silicon Carbide (SiC) has transformed power delivery and management in a number of industries, especially electric vehicle (EV) charging and on-board power conversion. This is due to its superior thermal characteristics, low losses, and power density, which result in higher efficiency and reliability when compared to more traditional technologies such as silicon (Si) insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). To get maximum system efficiency and predict performance accurately, it’s important to fully simulate and characterize the topologies, systems, and applications that use these SiC components.
Bluetooth has become the standard wireless interface for portable devices
Bluetooth technology has become an indispensable part of modern life, which provides convenient wireless connections for many devices, making it easier for people to use all kinds of smart devices. From connecting headphones to smart home devices, Bluetooth technology has become a common wireless interface in people's lives. This article will show you the development and trends of Bluetooth technology, and product characteristics of the car gauge system-on-a-chip certified by Bluetooth 5.2, which was introduced by onsemi.
MEMS inertial sensors, accelerometer and gyro sensors, improve vehicle safety
Accelerometer can be used to detect the acceleration of object and gyroscopes detects angular velocity of objects, and are widely used in various devices such as smart phones. In automotive applications, Inertial sensors are widely used and can greatly improve the stability and safety of vehicles. This article will show you the application and development of Inertial sensors in the automotive field, and the product characteristics and advantages of MEMS gyro sensors introduced by Murata.
Field-proven quality makes the MX150 a go-to solution for automotive designers
When we imagine the tens of thousands of components in a vehicle – each carefully selected and assembled in a system or sub-system to supply power, transmit or process signals within sections of the car to activate a vehicle response or to perform a series of functions and making sure it works – the sheer task of the automotive designer or electronics engineer is no mean feat. Automotive engineers are employed by car and truck makers, or parts suppliers to design and build individual parts or systems, or even possibly the entire vehicle. Anything from engine design, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, performance and fuel-efficiency to safety features, infotainment or vehicle ergonomics will be an area that requires in-depth knowledge of those applications and the technologies associated with designing and manufacturing them.
OLED digital car lights illuminate the future of the automotive industry
At present, more and more cars use O/LED as their lights, which have digital characteristics. Whether used as headlights, daytime running lights, steering lights, brake lights or taillights, they can provide more flexible designs for cars, make cars more personalized and visible, provide higher safety for cars, and enhance the difference and sense of value in automotive design, making digital lights different from traditional lights with excellent competitive advantages. This article will show you the development trend of digital car lights and the design solution of digital car lights introduced by Arrow Electronics.
Recycling and reuse of electric vehicle batteries for environmental sustainability
With the rapid development of the electric vehicle market, inefficient automobile batteries will become a great burden to the environment after several years, and battery recycling and reuse will become an important key to reduce the cost of electric vehicles and realize environmentally sustainable development. This article will show you the important issues of battery recycling and reuse in electric vehicles, as well as the wireless battery management systems (wBMS) technology and related solutions introduced by ADI.