At TE Connectivity, we design and manufacture one of the broadest portfolios of electronic components and electrical parts, including antennas, application tooling, connectors, cable assemblies, EMI & EMC  solutions, energy & power, fiber optics, heat shrink tubing, identification and labeling, passive components, relays, contractors and switching, sensors, terminals and splices, wire and cable, and wire protection and management among many other connectivity products.

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When Technology Connects, So Does Humanity

For more than 75 years, TE has partnered with customers to produce highly engineered connectivity and sensing products that make a connected world possible. With solutions that power electric vehicles, aircraft, digital factories, and smart homes and innovation that enables life-saving medical care, sustainable communities, efficient utility networks, and the global communications infrastructure, our focus on reliability and durability, our commitment to progress, and the unmatched range of our product portfolio enables companies large and small to turn ideas into technology that can transform how the world works and lives tomorrow.


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