Arrow Development ToolsMC27561-FOX | ASME Fox 3組み込みシステム開発ボードおよびキット

The ASME Fox 3 (MC27561-FOX) is a SigFox compatible SoM microcontroller that is part of the SmartEverything family.

ASME Fox 3 Product Description

The ASME Fox 3 SoM features the Atmel D21 Ultra low-power microcontroller using the 32-bit ARM Cortex M0+ processor that is also supported by the Arduino IDE for a fast and easy software development cycle.

The ASME Fox 3 provides the following peripherals/modules:

  • Crypto Authentication chipset

  • SIGFOX Module

  • GPS Module with Embedded Antenna

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Interface

The LE51-868 S module is a complete solution from serial interface to RF interface. It has a digital part and a RF part, where the radio link on the Sigfox network is a Half-Duplex bidirectional link.

The digital part had the following functionalities:

  • Communication Interface

  • I/O Management

  • Microcontroller with embedded Telit Software Stack supporting Sigfox protocol

The RF part has the following functionalities:

  • Frequency Synthesis

  • Front-end

  • Power Amplification

  • Packet Handling

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