
STMicroelectronicsSensorTile Dev Kit | STEVAL-STLKT01V1センサー開発ボードとキット

LPS22HB/LSM303AGR/LSM6DSM Accelerometer/Board Mount Pressure/Gyroscope Sensor Development Kit

STMicroelectronics’ SensorTile development kit includes all you need to remotely sense and measure motion, environmental and acoustical parameters. The kit is designed to support the prototyping phases of new projects and to dramatically accelerate the startup stages.The SensorTile itself is simple, powerful and designed to fit your needs! The miniaturized [13.5 x 13.5mm], tile-shaped design of the SensorTile can easily plug into your design to add sensing and connectivity capabilites through a Smart Hub solution and also can be used as a standalone sensor node monitor to track and remotely connect to an application.

Featured in Summer 2017's Top Selling Dev Kits and Tools article.

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