KYOCERA AVX Components CorporationV2F105C150Y1FDPバリスタ

Var MLV 4VAC/5.6VDC 120A 8.5V 0805 SMD Medical T/R

Have complete control of resistance in a voltage applied circuit by using this V2F105C150Y1FDP MOV developed by AVX. This device's clamping current is 1 A and clamping voltage is 18 V. Its maximum surge current is 120 A. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging so that components can be mounted effectively. Mount your voltage dependent resistor on a printed circuit board using surface mount technology to produce the most effective results. The maximum AC voltage rating is 4 VAC and the maximum DC voltage rating is 5.6 VDC. This device is made with multilayer technology. Its capacitance value is 0.0025uF. This product is 2.01 mm long, 1.14 mm tall and 1.25 mm deep. Its tolerance voltage is 20%. This varistor has a voltage of 8.5 V.

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