Digital based USB Power Delivery

Infineon’s new digital PWM controller and dedicated MOSFET portfolios deliver ultra-high-power-density designs at optimized cost.

USB PD is a small, thin, and robust single-cable solution that’s ideal for consumer chargers and adapters where small form factors, high reliability, and a well-balanced performance-cost ratio count the most.

The newly released XDPS21071, a digital FFR flyback controller, is featured on the 45W USB-PD type C charger reference design. The IC functions with a minimum of external components and supports the highest design flexibility by means of an advanced set of configurable parameters and state machines.

The OptiMOS™ PD 25 V - 150 V MOSFET portfolio has been optimized for synchronous rectification in charger and adapter SMPS applications. These MOSFETs are characterized by shrunk form factors and the logic level drive providing a low gate threshold voltage allowing them to be driven from 4.5 V or directly from microcontrollers.

The recently introduced CoolMOS™ PFD7 is a combination of best-in-class performance, extraordinary ease of use, and it facilitates ultra-high-power-density. The lowest RDS(on)*A in the world (<1 Ω mm²) is offered by IPL60R185C7, 600V CoolMOS™ C7 SJ MOSFET, which impresses with GaN-like performance in hard switching topologies.

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