FET Transistors

Arrow.com is an authorized distributor of FET transistors from top manufacturers including Vishay, Toshiba, Texas Instruments, NXP Semiconductors, Diodes Incorporated, Infineon Technologies, Nexperia, Microchip Technology, IXYS, and STMicroelectronics. Shop a wide selection of JFET, MOSFET and RF MOSFET components for every application

The field-effect transistor (FET) is considered a voltage-controlled device and can be used as an analog switch, an amplifier, a phase shift oscillator, a current limiter, and for many other applications. Arrow.com has a wide variety of JFET, RF MOSFET and MOSFET datasheets and reference designs, plus expert engineers standing by to answer any FET design questions.

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FET Transistors

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