IGBT Transistors
Shop Arrow.com for IGBT transistors from top manufacturers including Infineon, IXYS, Fairchild Semiconductor, Vishay, STMicroelectonics, Microsemi, Littelfuse, Renesas Electronics, NTE Electronics and MagnaChip Semiconductor. Find highly efficient and fast switching IGBT chips and modules for every application.
Insulated-gate bipolar (IGBT) transistors are semiconductor devices that offer lower on-state resistance and conduction losses, and they are capable of switching high voltages at high frequencies. As such, they are optimal solutions for numerous applications in power electronics, and they are used in inverters, converters and uninterruptible & switched-mode power supplies. Voltage & current rating, input drive, input & output impedance, switching speed and cost are the most important characteristics to specify when shopping for your IGBT transistor.
- IGBT Transistors