On-Site Staffed Terminal

This program provides improved communication and dedicated materials planning support that are critical in environments with highly variable demand patterns.

Arrow Staffed Terminals provide online, real-time access to our inventory management system to help support your planning, purchasing, and materials management processes. With on-site materials management, Arrow operators act as buyer/planners, fully responsible for all actions necessary to ensure your materials delivery. By co-locating our personnel and business systems with yours, we can react faster across a broader array of parts and unleash the full power of Arrow's industry knowledge, systems, and processes at your site.

The Arrow Staffed Terminal program helps reduce supplier management costs, provides just-in-time for your inventory requirements, and eliminates the need for order maintenance.

Arrow Staffed Terminals are excellent solutions for customers with the following profile:

  • Require frequent interaction with supplier sales personnel due to high transaction volumes.
  • Operates in a very dynamic sourcing environment (numerous new products, volatile production demand)
  • Desire to outsource the non-strategic (transaction) side of your materials/purchasing function
  • Maintain significant purchasing volume to justify on-site resource

Providing Improved Communication and Dedicated Materials Planning Support

Arrow's On-Site Staffed Terminal program provides improved communication and dedicated material planning support that are critical in environments with highly variable demand patterns. In addition to the outsourcing of tactical activities that improve the efficiency of your staff, this program typically delivers a reduction in average inventory, reduced manufacturing and material cycle times, improved design support, and a reduction in total costs.

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