Power Supply Design

Power Products Design Services

Arrow’s team of engineers can help you design the best solution to meet your system requirements. They are experts on the latest technologies and can offer design assistance with off-the-shelf modified standard, and custom power solutions that can reduce your design time and costs.

Arrow's engineers typically have at least 10 years of design experience -- several with more than 25 years. They will provide unbiased opinions while leveraging the technical resources of the industry's leading manufacturers.

Our experts are also committed to supporting green power-supply initiatives. Your Arrow sales engineer can help you select the most energy-effective power solution for your systems to meet the strict energy regulations, including:

  • Energy Star®
  • Executive Order 13221 (11W Standby)
  • California Energy Commissions (CEC) Regulations
  • 80 Plus®

Our design and part selection expertise can complement your organization’s internal resources—helping you meet time-to-market requirements while allowing you to focus on your business’s core competencies.

For more details about our Technical Solutions and Services, please download our brochure.

For more information about our Power Products Assembly Services

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