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ECS Services

Spanning suppliers including NetApp, EMC, VMware and CommVault, brands like IBM, HP and Oracle, and technology stacks, we extend a VAR's design and implementation capabilities. We deliver highly trained and certified staff to assess, design, plan, deploy and optimize comprehensive, cross-vendor solutions for your clients. We leverage relationships with some of the most important technology vendors in the world to provide business advantages in areas such as cloud computing, cyber security and Green IT. With these unparalleled resources and their standardized, repeatable process at your disposal, there is virtually no limit to the solutions VARs can provide to end user customers:

  • Fixed fee engagements, custom scoped services or staff augmentation
  • Credentialed resources for short or long term projects
  • Expertise required to design, deploy, optimize and maintain IT infrastructure

We offer a wide range of multi-vendor technical support services that resellers can provide to their clients to build and strengthen long-term relationships:

  • Global Product Support for Novell
  • One Call Support Services
  • Desktop Support Services
  • Remote Engineering Services

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