The age of the data-driven smart factory

Explore a new generation of edge computing, AI & machine learning, real-time analysis, and more.

Production facilities are transforming through cloud-based data analysis, real-time networking and machine learning. Operational data from factory devices is analyzed to rapidly derive new insights and inform decision-making. Bridge the physical world of the factory floor with the digital by precisely sensing, measuring, and interpreting the environment, then securely delivering data throughout the network. Digitize and seamlessly connect your operation with ADI’s proven solutions.

ADI Digital Factory Whitepaper

This paper explores how using solutions developed by Analog Devices can lead to reduced costs in materials, energy, and downtime, as well as increased yield, efficiency, and manufacturing flexibility.

Watch the latest Tech Snack on Seamless Connectivity

IO-Link and 10BASE-T1L Ethernet focused connectivity solutions.







Field Instrument





Smart Factory Sensor



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