Virtium is a leading designer and manufacturer of industrial-grade SSD Storage and Memory Module solutions. Our 25+ years of successful innovation, high-quality production, and customer satisfaction, differentiate us from our competitors and have earned us many notable awards from our customers around the world.

Virtium solutions offer many benefits to our customers, including high-volume production of the most reliable industrial-grade Solid-State Drives and Memory Modules with the greatest durability, highest consistency, and longest product availability. Virtium has consistently provided product solutions to the world’s largest Networking, Telecom, Industrial OEM, and other key market (Medical, Transportation, Robotics, Automation, Video, and Drones) customers that require the highest levels of data-storage integrity. Since inception, Virtium has shipped more than 10 million products worldwide. Virtium’s manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.

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