103030216, ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array is a Quad Microphone Expansion Board for Raspberry Pi designed for AI, Voice Applications

Reference Design using part AC108 by Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd


Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    Audio CODEC

For End Products

  • AI Assistant
  • Voice Interaction Applications


  • 103030216, ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array for Raspberry Pi is a quad-microphone expansion board for Raspberry Pi designed for AI and voice applications. This means that we can build a more powerful and flexible voice product that integrates Amazon Alexa Voice Service, Google Assistant, and so on. Different from ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT, this board is developed based on AC108, a highly integrated quad-channel ADC with I2S/TDM output transition for high definition voice capture, which allows the device to pick up sounds in a 3 meters radius. Besides, this 4-Mics version provides a super cool LED ring, which contains 12 APA102 programable LEDs

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