4022, Wide-Range Triple-Axis Magnetometer Evaluation Kit Using MLX90393

Reference Design using part MLX90393 by Adafruit Industries


Adafruit Industries
  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type
    Magnetic Sensor

For End Products

  • Contactless Knobs
  • Factory Automation
  • Gamepad/Joystick
  • Home Security
  • Industrial Automation HMI
  • Liquids & Water Quality
  • Magnetic Measurement


  • 4022, Evaluation Kit for the MLX90393 is a wide range magnetic field sensor, that can measure 16-bits in ranges from ±5mT up to ±50mT in all 3 axes. Compared to most magnetometers, this gives a huge range, which makes it excellent for detecting magnets and magnetic orientation, rather than the Earth's magnetic field. (Magnets have a much stronger field that overwhelms most magnetometers that would normally be used for orientation with respect to the North Pole). To make it easy to use, we've placed this tiny little sensor onto a breakout board, with a 3.3V power supply and level shifter. This makes it easy to use with any 3 or 5V microcontroller

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