ADN8833CP-EVALZ, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the ADN8833 Ultra Compact, 1A thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) Controller Driver

Reference Design using part ADN8833ACPZ-R2 by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Measurement and Monitoring
  • Product Type
    Temperature Measurement

For End Products

  • Optical Networking
  • Temperature Control System


  • ADN8833CP-EVALZ, Evaluation Board designed to work with various TEC modules. The ADN8833 on the evaluation board delivers bidirectional current through TEC using two pairs of the complimentary integrated MOSFETs in an H-bridge configuration. The voltage across the TEC is proportional to voltage of control signal applied to the CONT input pin. With the on-board passive components, TEC cooling and heating current limits set to 1A, maximum TEC voltage is programmed to 3V. The cooling and heating TEC current limits and maximum TEC voltage setting can be modified by changing values of the corresponding components

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