ADP1829 PWM buck controller uses 10.8 V to 13.2 V for the input voltage

Reference Design using part ADP1829ACPZ by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Power Supplies
  • Product Type
    DC to DC Multi-Output Power Supplies

For End Products

  • DDR Memory
  • Medical Imaging
  • Printers
  • Set-Top Box


  • ADP1829 is a versatile, dual output, interleaved, synchronous PWM buck controller that generates two independent outputs from an input voltage of 2.9 V to 20 V. Each channel can be configured to provide output voltage from 0.6V to 85% of the input voltage. The two channels operate 180 out of phase, which reduces the current stress on the input capacitor and allows the use of a smaller and lower cost input capacitor

Key Features

  • Conversion Type
    DC to DC
  • Input Voltage
    8 to 16 V
  • Output Voltage
    1.3|2.5|3.3|3.3|3.35 V
  • Output Current
    1.65@5V|1.3@3.3V|0.35@3.3V|0.005@2.5V|0.3@1.3V A
  • Topology

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