AS5215-DB, Demo Board for AS5215 Programmable 360 degree Magnetic Angle Encoder with SINE & COSINE Output Signals

Reference Design using part AS5132 by ams OSRAM


  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type
    Magnetic Sensor

For End Products

  • Automotive Applications
  • Electric Power Steering
  • Industrial Applications


  • AS5215-DB, Demo Board for the AS5215 is a redundant contactless rotary encoder sensor for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360 degree and over an extended ambient temperature range of - 40 degree C +150 degree C. Based on an integrated Hall element array, the angular position of a simple two-pole magnet is translated into analog output voltages. The angle information is provided by means of buffered sine and cosine voltages. This approach gives maximum flexibility in system design, as it can be directly integrated into existing architectures and optimized for various applications in terms of speed and accuracy

Key Features

  • Signal Conditioning Type
    SINE & COSINE Output Signals

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