DC2213A, Demonstration Board using the LTC2983 thermocouple Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Reference Design using part 24LC025-I/ST by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Sensors and Transducers
  • Product Type
    Temperature Sensing

For End Products

  • Measurement Instruments
  • Outdoor Temperature Sensor
  • Thermocouple


  • DC2213A, Demonstration Board using the DC2296 is the starter kit for demonstrating the performance and ease of use of the LTC2983, which is a complete temperature measurement system on a chip. This kit includes the DC2209 (main demo circuit containing the LTC2983) and the DC2210 (a simple experiment circuit allowing bread boarding). In addition to the starter demonstration kit, sensor specific demonstration boards highlighting the performance of RTDs, thermistors, or thermocouples are also available

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