DEV-13116, SparkFun Spectrum Shield based on MSGEQ7 Graphic equalizer

Reference Design using part MSGEQ7 by SparkFun Electronics


SparkFun Electronics
  • Application Category
    Wired Communication
  • Product Type

Associated Documents

For End Products

  • Stereo Audio System


  • DEV-13116, SparkFun Spectrum Shield enables your Arduino with the capability of splitting a stereo audio input into 7-bands per channel. You can then read the amplitude of each channel using the ADC on your Arduino allowing you to control everything from LEDs to motors, pumps to relays, or even fire, all with sound. With this shield you will be able to have almost any project be able to react to music or sound. The Spectrum Shield features the MSGEQ7 graphic equalizer display filter. Two of these ICs allow you to split a stereo audio input into 7-bands (per channel) and read the amplitude of each using the ADC on your Arduino. One serves as a stereo input and the other is a pass-through output which allows you to connect the Spectrum Shield in-line between your audio source and your stereo system without interruption

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