DEV-15316, SparkFun Servo pHAT Development Kit for Raspberry Pi

Reference Design using part PCA9685 by SparkFun Electronics


SparkFun Electronics
  • Application Category
    Motor Control
  • Product Type
    General Motor Control

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For End Products

  • Servo Motor Control


  • DEV-15316, SparkFun Servo pHAT for Raspberry Pi allows your Raspberry Pi to control up to 16 servo motors in a straight forward and uncomplicated manner via an I2C connection. Thanks to its I2C capabilities, this PWM HAT saves the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins, allowing you to use them for other purposes. The Servo pHAT also adds a serial terminal connection, which will allow you to bring up a Raspberry Pi without having to hook it up to a monitor and keyboard. We have provided a Qwiic connector for easy interfacing with the I2C bus using the Qwiic system, and a 4-pin header specifically for connecting to the Sphero RVR. Power to the SparkFun Servo pHAT can be supplied through USB-C connector. This will power either the servo motors only, or power the servo motors as well as the Raspberry Pi that is connected to the HAT

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