DT0012, Design Tip for Dual PMSM Motor Drive using STM32F303CB/CC Peripherals in Time-Sharing

Reference Design using part STM32F303CB by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
    Motor Control
  • Product Type
    General Motor Control

For End Products

  • Motor Control


  • DT0012, Design Tip is to describe the intended use of STM32F303CB/CC microcontroller to implement a simultaneous dual PMSM motor drive exploiting the internal peripherals (the embedded PGAs and the analog to digital converters) in time sharing for three shunts current reading topology. This means that, during the control of the two motors, the peripherals are reserved for each driver in two not-overlapping time intervals. Two different approaches for the motor current sensing amplification network will be analyzed: using the embedded PGAs and using external operational amplifiers

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