ILOSENORDUG, IoT Low Power Sensor Node Reference Design Board

Reference Design using part MKW24D512VHA5 by NXP Semiconductors


NXP Semiconductors
  • Application Category
    Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Product Type

For End Products

  • Industrial-Scientific and Medical


  • ILOSENORDUG, IoT Low Power Sensor Node circuit board provides a diverse reference design with all necessary I/O connections to use as a self-contained board or for connection to an external application. The IoT Low Power Sensor Node board is built around the MKW24D512. The MKW24D512 wireless MCU is a 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) single-chip device intended for the IEEE Std. 802.15.4, including Thread, ZigBee Pro, ZigBee RF4CE and IPv6/6loWPAN protocols. The IoT Low Power Sensor Node board contains the MKW24D512 transceiver that works in conjunction with a software stack to implement an IEEE Std. 802.15.4 platform solution

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