IS31LT3135-V1GRLS2-EB, Evaluation Board based on IS31LT3135­V1 Dual Ch. (Main/Sub) LED Driver

Reference Design using part IS31LT3135 by Integrated Silicon Solution Inc


Integrated Silicon Solution Inc
  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    General LED Driver

For End Products

  • LED Lighting


  • IS31LT3135-V1GRLS2-EB, Evaluation Board for the IS31LT3135­V1 is a dual-channel LED driver. It can function as the main-channel driver or as a sub-channel source. When operating in main mode, the device functions as a constant current source that outputs an adjustable current, via an external resistor, through the main LED. The device is operable with a dropout voltage of 0.1V while driving a 200mA current. When operating as a sub-channel driver, the IC grounds the LED's cathode. The device normally operates with a single channel powered on, allowing for quick switching between the main and sub channel modes. A sweeping power supply that operates between high and low voltages, allows for simple switching between sub/main-channel modes, even during conditions where the UV pin is below the 1.17V UV threshold for IS31LT3135-V1

Key Features

  • Input Voltage
    2.7 to 5.5 V
  • Number of Derived Elements

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