RXCA10S066PF34-IDK00A, Alaric Instant-Development Kit (ALARIC-PROD) based on Altera FPGA Arria 10 SoC

Reference Design using part 10AS066N4F40I3SGES by ReFLEX CES


  • Application Category
    Embedded System
  • Product Type
    Field-Programmable Gate Array

For End Products

  • Industrial
  • Medical and Healthcare
  • Test and Measurement
  • Video and Imaging


  • RXCA10S066PF34-IDK00A, Alaric Instant-Development Kit (ALARIC-PROD) based on Altera FPGA Arria 10 SoC. The ARRIA 10 SoC FMC Instant-Development Kit provides to developers the best Out-Of-the box experience combining the Best-In Class compact hardware platform and the most efficient intuitive software environment. Its unique install and GUI interface allows an immediate start and its reference designs enable fast turn-around designs shortening and securing the developments. The target markets are as wide as Video capture and processing, Industrial, Test/Measurement and Medical

Key Features

  • Embedded System Type
  • Family Name
    Arria 10 SX

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