STEVAL-MKI193V1, ASM330LHH Adapter Board for a Standard DIL24 Socket

Reference Design using part ASM330LHH by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    Adapter Card


  • STEVAL-MKI193V1, Adapter Board designed to facilitate the evaluation of MEMS devices in the ASM330LHH product family. The board offers an effective solution for fast system prototyping and device evaluation directly within the user own application. The STEVAL-MKI193V1 can be plugged into a standard DIL 24 socket. The adapter provides the complete ASM330LHH pin-out and comes ready-to-use with the required decoupling capacitors on the VDD power supply line. This adapter is supported by the STEVAL-MKI109V3 motherboard with high performance 32-bit microcontroller functioning as a bridge between the sensor and a PC, on which it is possible to use the downloadable graphical user interface (Unico GUI), or dedicated software routines for customized applications

Key Features

  • Interface Standards
  • Supply Voltage
    Single(2 to 3.6) V

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